In The Deep, Tess walked in, holding a gun firmly in her hands. She felt happy for the first time in years. This was it. Everything she had been working for, for the past few years was all for tonight. This was the night she and Derek got everything they deserved.

"Derek!?" She said turning the corner. What she saw made her even more happy. Derek had shot Ben and everyone's faces were full of despair especially Maria's. Tess smiled evilly as she watched Maria rock back and forth, unable to except the fact that Ben was dying. She walked towards Derek.

"Everything is ready. We just need to tie up a few loose ends." She smiled at Derek who smiled back. She had known him for so many years yet he still mystified her in so many ways. But it didn't matter they had the rest of their lives to figure each other out...completely.

"Loose ends." He repeated looking at the prisoners. Tess nodded. She looked into his wild impulsive eyes. They had shared so much together including Benjy. She remembered their surprised looks when she had told Maria, Meg and Ben. The denial, the hurt over HER son. She stepped away from Derek and faced Jude, Annie, Casey and Sara. She realized how Derek must feel every time he killed. The power and the control she had. She laughed at their frightened faces. They didn't want to die.

"Too bad." She thought.

She placed her hand on the trigger. Suddenly she realized she was shaking. She realized this was it. She was about to become a killer. An image of Tim came into vision. "Don't do it, Tess!" Tim cried out. Tess closed her eyes.

"Go away." She shouted. She slowly opened her eyes. No Tim.

"Tess?" Came Derek's voice. He was annoyed with her.

"Sorry, Derek. I'm just nervous."

She faced their prisoners again. She couldn't let Derek down. She had to please him. She had been doing all of this for years just to please him. She loved him so much. If only he would say the words. Three words she had longed to hear for years, 'I love you'. She would hear the words. Once they were all dead she would hear the words.

"You shouldn't have interfered." She said.

Everyone jumped as they heard several gunshots echo throughout the building. The sound of almost certain death.
