Part One

Maria looked into her husband's eyes. He turned away from her unable to make eye contact for more then a moment. Rage and anger ran through his veins. He had never been so angry or so hurt by anyone in his life.
'Ben, please....I didn't know.' Maria cried out, desperately. He wanted to believe her but he couldn't forgot the note he had received a few days ago with the words 'Your wife cannot be trusted' written boldly on the fresh white paper which now lay crumbled in his pocket. He clenched his fists tightly as he replayed the scene he had walked in on less then an hour ago. His wife and his identical twin brother, Derek in bed together. Tears of anger and sadness bubbled up in his eyes. Maria protested she was innocent, that Derek had impersonated him, but....
'Just leave me alone.'
'Please, Ben...' Maria said as she lost her balance slightly as 'The Mariah' struggled against the raging sea. She could not believe what had happened. Derek had impersonated Ben and he had seen them together in her studio and presumed she knew it was Derek but she hadn't. If only she had listened to her instincts. If only she had said something, done something when she realized something was different about 'Ben' but Ben had been acting strangely for days now, ever since he got that unmarked letter...causing Ben pain was the last thing Maria wanted.
Maria jumped as a bolt of lightening came from no where in the sky. She looked up and realized how dangerous it was being in a tropical storm at sea. Rain began to fall making Ben and Maria's vision blurry but Maria didn't care. She had to make Ben believe her.
'Maria.' He whispered.
'Ben, please forgive me. I thought he was you. I could never betray you, Ben. Don't you know how much I love you?' Maria shouted, over the sound of the storm.
The boat rocked unsteadily as the waves became higher and higher, splashing onto the deck of 'The Mariah'. Ben turned around. He didn't know what to believe anymore.....
'Maria......' He began, but he never finished as at that moment a huge wave rocked 'The Mariah' and Maria fell towards the edge of the boat. She got up, shakily but suddenly a pole came loose and knocked Maria into the freezing cold ocean. 'Help me!!' Maria cried out, desperately. She fought against the strong waves that pulled her down. She tried to breathe but she took in huge amounts of seawater instead making her choke.
Ben instantly dived into the water after Maria after getting a piece of wood from the deck.
'Grab the wood.'
Ben felt the waves crashing down on him, pulling him under but he struggled. He had to save Maria.
'I can't see it.'
'It's right there in front of you.'
Maria struggled around in the water. Her vision was blurry but she followed Ben's voice. She touched something hard. The wood. She clung onto it tightly. 'Ben, you've got to believe me. I didn't know about Derek!'
'Just hang on.'
'I'm trying. I'm trying.'
The waves pushed Maria down again. Her grip on the wood was weakening.' 'I'm slipping.'
At that moment, Maria's left hand slipped off the wood but Ben caught it quickly. 'I've got you.'
'Don't let go.'
'I won't.' Ben promised, but already he could feel Maria cold slippery hand slipping out of his.
Maria gasped for air as she went under again. She re-emerged choking. She didn't want to die. Not like this. Not now. Ben's uncertainty, distrust and even hate for her hurt so much. Ben could hate her, could he? She was so confused. She had to make Ben believe her before it was too late.....
'Tell me you believe me!' Maria's hand slipped out of Ben's and she lost her grip on the wood. The unforgiving, merciless sea and this time she didn't re-emerge when she was pulled under.
'Maria!' Ben shouted, searching the water for the woman he loved. But there was no answer.
All that could be heard was the sound of the angry storm.